The Flour Mill, East Hill

Your views are sought regarding detailed proposals that are currently being prepared for the residential redevelopment at the Flour Mill, East Hill, Ashford, Kent.

The proposed development would comprise the conversion of the existing ‘Pledges’ Flour Mill and the erection of two additional blocks to provide a total of up to 55 apartments (Use Class C3), access, parking, and associated infrastructure.

The proposed development has been the subject of extensive pre-application engagement with Ashford Borough Council, including formal pre-application discussions beginning in October 2020 and two South East Design Review Panel workshops, led by the Council and an independent advisor board of specialist consultants, with participation from the Central Ashford Community Forum.

Alongside the above pre-application engagement measures, we invite further comment from interested parties by way of the publication of online consultation material as below. This includes the most recently available working plans for the proposal as well as a short planning addendum note. These documents are now available to view by clicking on the links provided within the ‘Plans & Documents’ section below. The feedback form provided at the consultation event has also been digitised to allow further comments to be made.