St David’s Prep

Proposal for the erection of a new school building, the refurbishment of existing school buildings, and an extension to Justin Hall.

Hume Planning Consultancy will shortly be submitting a full planning application to Bromley Council on behalf of St David’s Prep.

The proposed development would comprise the erection of a new six classroom block, the refurbishment of the existing school buildings, and an extension to Justin Hall to accommodate a further two classrooms at ground level and a kitchen and office at lower ground level, together with access, parking, and landscaping.

The proposed development has been the subject of pre-application engagement with Bromley Council, including formal pre-application discussions with planning, policy, transport, tree, and urban design officers. The pre-application advice received has shaped the proposals to date.

The proposal has been informed by a number of specialist reports relating to key factors such as highways, trees and landscaping, ecology, noise, air quality, drainage, and energy efficiency, which will be submitted as part of a detailed planning application.

Please find the most recently available working plans for the proposal below as background information explaining the design principles and aims of the project. These documents are now available to view by clicking on the links provided within the ‘Plans & Documents’ section below.

The proposals will also be subject to separate public consultation which will be undertaken separately by Bromley Council when our submission is registered, which the Applicants’ consultation does not supersede.

If you have any comments or questions about the scheme, please submit them via the ‘Feedback’ section.